Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fine Motor Fish

One of our fine motor activities this week was to create the beautiful fish. We colored the fish in with crayons then dotted each circle with glue. We had to apply just the right amount of pressure to the bottle to apply the desired amount of glue. The last step was to pinch small amounts of glitter with two fingers and then sprinkle onto our glue dots.
Some friends even made a pattern with their color choices.
Bravo 6B!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Great Ways to Practice Sight Words

Use coins or buttons to form your words
Print your words on someones back using your finger. Have the person guess the word
Use yarn or string to form your words.
Record yourself saying and spelling your words
Use cooked spaghetti to form your words
Play BINGO with your words
Spread peanut butter or jelly on bread then use raisins to form your words
Use colored crayons or pencils to copy your words in as many different color combinations as possible.
Paint your words using water color or finger paint
Read a story. See how many times you can find your words
Write three or more sentences using each word
See how many times you can write your words in 1 minute
Use colored chalk to write your words on the sidewalk
Write your words in shaving cream
Fold a sheet of paper in fourths. Write your words one time in each square and decorate the squares with art supplies, stickers, etc.
Use cookie dough to shape your words and bake them
Write three or more words that rhyme with each of your word
Play Tic-Tac-Toe using your words
Create a game of "Memory" with your sight words
Create flashcards to review your words

Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

A 6B Birthday

We had our first 6B birthday celebration today. Our birthday boy received a sticker and a happy birthday pencil.
The class enjoyed a special treat of brownies at snack after we sang "Happy Birthday" to our friend.
Thank you for the special treat!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

6-B's Family Trees

We have started our new discovery unit on family. Sharing this week was to bring in a picture of your family. We loved having the opportunity to get to know one another a little better during this time. On Friday, we began our family trees. We painted the trees, then cut out red circles for our apples. Each apple has one family member's name written on the inside, and was glued onto our painting.
One member of our class is expecting a new baby brother or sister soon! So exciting.
Our trees are now on display in the hallway downstairs. We will make a special trip this week to visit them.

Friendship Key Chains

In homeroom, we have just finished our discovery unit on friendship.
You may have noticed the new key chains on your child's backpack.
Those were made during a closing activity. This experience promoted
fine motor development as children strung beads. The students also
needed to incorporate math skills as they made their very own
pattern. Lastly, we practiced sharing, and being appreciative as we
let another friend in 6B receive the key chain as a gift.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Our Class Book

6B made our very own class book during our friendship discovery unit. Using predictable text, our book discusses each member of our class. Below, students sit "knees to knees and eyes to eyes" to discuss what their favorite activity is at school. Next, they went to the table to organize the words in our sentence properly. The last step was to illustrate their page with a drawing of themselves at school.
Our book has been laminated and is ready to be sent home to visit with each member of the class. I hope this book helps spark exciting discussions with your child about their time with friends in 6B.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

6B Specials

We have completed our first full week of school! Now we have had the opportunity to visit all of our special subjects.
In Spanish, Señora Duncan has started teaching exciting songs.
Our science teacher, Ms. English, helped us explore our sense of smell during an exciting experiment.
In art, Mrs. Reinhardt has used the story, Mouse Paint, by Ellen Stoll Walsh, to help us learn to mix primary colors to create secondary colors.
After our second library class, Ms. Stone helped us check out interesting books.
Ms. Emala has introduced us to the computers during our Tuesday technology classes.
In music Mrs. Elliot has used drums to help us understand rhythm and beats.
I can't wait for another fun week together!
Ms. Clark

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fine Motor

6B practiced writing their names properly during our fine motor time. We discussed that there are three lines that help guide us as we write. The top, middle, and bottom lines help us to make sure that our letters are in the proper place. Letters that are either too high or too low are referred to as "floaters" and "sinkers". Also, we discussed the concept of writing from left to right. We always start on the left when writing and reading.

Each child's name was dotted and then inserted into a plastic sleeve. This way, we were able to trace the proper formation of each letter using the dots as a guide. After tracing, the dry-erase marker was easily removed with a tissue and we were able to try again.

Great job 6B. I can't wait to check our sign-in sheet tomorrow. Practice makes perfect, and mistakes are OK! :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Character Partnership

Ms.Clark on Vimeo.

We met with 9-1 last Thursday for our first character partnership. The students worked together to identify important traits of good character, which worked perfectly with our current Discovery unit on friendship.

Check out the video above to see our partnership in action.
Thank you to Ms. Gentry and the 9-1 boys. We are looking forward to meeting with you again!

Friday, September 9, 2011

What a wonderful day. We are so excited for our hometown team to play this weekend. We even did a RAVENS cheer on the playground!
Enjoy your weekend 6B! I can't wait to see everyone on Monday morning.

Parents' Night

Thank you 6B parents, for a wonderful evening! I hope you found the time in our classroom to be informative. If you would like a copy of last night's PowerPoint please let me know.

The Love Notes were a huge hit this morning! Many of the children smiled and giggled over your messages. Most children chose to save the note and will be taking it home today in their backpack :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

6B Silhouettes

Above, are the 6B silhouettes. Can you recognize the members of our class?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Celebrating Summer Reading

We had a wonderful time making connections to our summer reading book "A Birthday for Bear" by Bonny Becker. Before snack, we read and discussed the book as a class. Next we celebrated by eating cupcakes topped with gummy bears!
Later we discussed and then illustrated what we like to do on our own birthdays.
The last surprise of the day was that each student received a red balloon to take home (just like the birthday bear in our story)!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our First Day Together

What an incredible first day! The hours flew by while we enjoyed a flurry of activities! Take a look at all of the excitement!