Saturday, February 25, 2012

9-1 Character Partnership

6-B meet with our 9-1 buddies this week to practice introducing ourselves to adults.  6-B friends have been working all year on proper handshakes.  We discuss grip strength of the other shaker, displaying a friendly smile, and holding good eye contact while we speak clearly.  All of our practice prepared us for our partnership lesson with 9-1. Students were paired in groups of Sixth Agers and Ninth Agers.  They were charged with the task of walking throughout the school and introducing themselves to adults in our community. The students filmed the project on flip cameras and recorded the eye colors of all of the adults that they greeted. This was a challenging task.  It can be a little intimidating to speak clearly, maintain a firm grip, and look someone in the eye as you greet them.  We practiced what we would say before heading out. I am so proud of our hard work.  Practice makes perfect, and the more we practice this lifelong skill the more comfortable we will be.  Take a look at us in action above! We are greeting each adult by saying: "Hello Mr./Mrs. ________.  My name is (first name) (last name). Thank you for helping us with our project."

A special thank you to Ms. Gentry who compiled all of our footage and made the above video.  Also to the 9-1 boys for their friendship and leadership as we continue to grow and learn together.

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