Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Phonics Game Digraph ck /k/

Sixth Age Reading

Please check your child's bag for a phonics game that was sent home.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Seventh Age Spirit!

Seventh Age readers were out of uniform today to celebrate the last day of their spirit week!
We were able to complete a folder paper, finish a phonics packet, and partner read all of the stories that we have covered this year.

Graphing M&M's

During "M" week Pilot mathematicians had an opportunity to graph M&M's!
First we had to sort all of our M&M's by color.
Then we used markers to fill in our graph.

We discussed which color we had the most of, which we had the least of, and looked to see if there were any colors that tied? We also counted how many total M&M's we had.
What a delicious treat!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Digraph ck

In an effort to get ready to read out next story "Jack and Rick" we have been working with the digraph ck which makes the /k/ sound. We are also focusing on words with the short "i" sound.

Sixth Age readers did a great job working with the following words:
***For a challenge try reading these words with beginning blends***
We also took the opportunity to review the short "a" sound which we have previously covered. The following words combine the short "a" sound as well as the ck digraph
***For a challenge try reading these words with beginning blends***
Feel free to review these words at home!
Bravo Readers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sixth Age readers have been hard at work getting ready for their upcoming play! When they return we will continue with our short "i" phonics packet. We will also begin to explore the digraph ck.

Left and Right

Pilot mathematicians continue to explore the concepts of Left and Right.
We matched our own hands up with the ones on our paper.
We discussed that our pointer (index) finger and thumb create the letter "L" on our left hand.
Then we labeled the hands on our paper with an "L" and an "R"
We also incorporated pattern into our activity. We painted the nails on each hand in a two pattern. We also discussed the proper names for each of our fingers (pinkie, ring finger, thumb etc.)
Lastly we used one-to-one correspondence as we counted the fingers.
Great Work!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Reading Buddies

Seventh Age reading met with our Ninth Age buddies to explore our current story, "Who's in a Family" by Sheila Kelly and Shelley Rotner. We worked together to read and define our sight words and story vocabulary. We took turns partner reading the story. We also discussed our own families and drew comparisons between the families featured within the literature. There was an opportunity for us to illustrate our families (pets included) on thick drawing paper. After we gathered all of our family illustrations we had the makings of a family quilt! Our quilt is proudly displayed in the hallway. Way to go readers!

Left and Right

Pilot mathematicians are currently explore the concepts of Left and Right. We placed stickers on our left hands to help us remember which side was the left.
Below we drew a line through the middle of a picture in our flip book. Then, we discussed what objects we saw on the left side as well as the right side of the page.

Sight Word Memory Game

Sixth Age readers practiced their new sight words by playing a game of memory. Each word had to be read correctly when turned over.
Our current words are:
now, too, want, help, play, you, no


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alphabet Warm-Up

At the beginning of class we will often start with a warm-up activity that gets our brains ready to think about reading. During an alphabet warm-up I will point to each letter of the alphabet in random order. During the first round we will simply identify the letter. Then, we will transition to producing letter sounds as the letter is pointed to. Lastly, we will challenge ourselves to think of words with the same beginning sound as a specific letter. We pretend that we no longer want the visual representation that is on the alphabet strip and think of new pictures it could be replaced by. Watch us in action below.

In and Out

Pilot mathematicians enjoyed a spirited game of "pin your name inside the triangle". We have been discussing the concepts of in and out in our current chapter. During this game we had our name on an index card. We needed to close our eyes and spin around three times. Then we tried to pin our name inside the triangle.
We had so much fun! Great work!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chapter Three: Position and Direction

In our current chapter we are exploring the following concepts:
above and below
in and out
front and back
top and bottom
left and right
before and after

Pilot mathematicians enjoyed an activity that focused on above and below. Each child had to take tuns placing their name either above or below the gray line.
To incorporate number recognition (we are working on 1-10) each student needed to correctly identify a number written on the board before they could place their name on the paper.

After everyone had a turn we were able to discuss the placement of our names and their relation to other friends names. We counted how many names were above the gray line and how many were below.
Great job friends!