Monday, January 30, 2012

Nurse Whitman Visits

We were so lucky to have Nurse Whitman come to our classroom to discuss ways that we can stay healthy this winter.  With many germs around it is important for us to remember to wash our hands with warm water and soap.  We also need to get enough sleep at night. Nurse Whitman advises we get eleven hours of sleep. That means bedtime should be around 7:30 PM or 8PM.  6B friends have done a nice job of coughing into our elbows rather than our hands.  We also make sure to get a "squirt alert" (hand sanitizer) after we sneeze, blow our noses, or cough.  
Below we were able to listen to our hearts using a stethoscope.
Let's stay healthy 6B!
Thank you Nurse Whitman!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

6B really enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year this week.  Check out our latest video which highlights the Chinese Acrobats Assembly, and a few of our fun crafts.  6B especially enjoyed dancing and singing with our dragon puppets!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Music

6B has enjoyed our current discovery unit on winter.  The activity above provided visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile learning experiences.  Students listened as I read aloud "Snow Music" by Lynne Rae Perkins. They looked at the pictures and then participated in a class discussion after the story was complete.  
We discussed the types of prints you can make with your feet in the snow.  We demonstrated foot prints as we walked around the classroom, then brainstormed how we could make a straight line rather than foot prints?  Students worked in groups practicing different techniques.  We decided that the two most efficient ideas were to drag your toe or heel in the snow as you walked.  One of our favorite prints to make when it snows are snow angels! All of the students laid down on the carpet and showed me their very best snow angels before we transitioned to our tables.
At the tables we used q-Tips and paint to create our very own snow globes that captured the essence of winter fun!
Bravo friends!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Purple Pride

6B had an exciting day supporting our local Baltimore Ravens, as well as other favorite teams on Friday. 
Fun was had by all!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Mathematicians Begin Chapter Seven

  In this chapter students will:
  • Measure in a hands-on way with different units, such as connecting cubes.  These experiences will help develop an intuitive sense of measurement as well as support your child’s understanding that objects have different properties.
  • Make size comparisons between objects and order them according to size (largest to smallest).
  • Compare length, height, weight, area, temperature, and capacity to reference objects.
  • Order objects by length from shortest to longest.
  • Discuss how height and length are alike and different.
  • Use measures of time such as days of the week, today, tomorrow, and yesterday.
This week we have focused on length. In addition to our written work we have experienced hands-on activities.  Above we measured the length of our shoes with unifix cubes.  We tallied our results, and discovered who's shoes were the longest and shortest in our group.