Friday, December 9, 2011

More with Mittens- Comparing and Contrasting using a Venn Diagram

After reading "The Mitten" by Alvin Tresselt 6B read another adapted version of "The Mitten" by Jan Brett. Before reading, 6B students were encouraged to think about whether the story would be exactly the same or if there may be some differences? We found that there were quite a few differences! For this discovery lesson we decided to compare the actual mittens in each story using a Venn Diagram.
This lesson was geared towards visual and auditory learners.
A Venn Diagram is a wonderful tool for comparing and contrasting. You can write details that show how the subjects are different in the outer circles. Then, where the circles overlap, you write details that tell how the subjects are alike.

To complete our diagram, we re-read both stories and added details as we encountered them in the text. Our findings are displayed above. Below, you can see them in list form:

Ivan's Mitten (Alvin Treselt)

1. Feathery fur cuff

2. Red wool lining

3. Yellow mitten

4. Burst into pieces.

Nicki's Mitten (Jan Brett)

1. White wool

2. Stretched out but did not burst.

Ivan and Nicki's Mittens (shared attributes)

1. Warm

2. Lost in the woods

3. crowded (with animals)

4. Stretched out

5. Found (by their owner at the end of the story).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these posts on "mittens!" What a creative way to introduce and reinforce multiple learning pathways.
