- Use coins or buttons to form your words
- Print your words on someones back using your finger. Have the person guess the word
- Use yarn or string to form your words.
- Record yourself saying and spelling your words
- Use cooked spaghetti to form your words
- Play BINGO with your words
- Spread peanut butter or jelly on bread then use raisins to form your words
- Use colored crayons or pencils to copy your words in as many different color combinations as possible.
- Paint your words using water color or finger paint
- Read a story. See how many times you can find your words
- Write three or more sentences using each word
- See how many times you can write your words in 1 minute
- Use colored chalk to write your words on the sidewalk
- Write your words in shaving cream
- Fold a sheet of paper in fourths. Write your words one time in each square and decorate the squares with art supplies, stickers, etc.
- Use cookie dough to shape your words and bake them
- Write three or more words that rhyme with each of your words
- Play Tic-Tac-Toe using your words
Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!
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